National NET Patient Day, Virtual Event, November 7th, 2020
An information Day for Irish NET Patients
Because this is a virtual event, you need to register to attend and you will receive a link to click on to attend the event, via email, AFTER you register.
We have written instructions that hopefully will make it easy for people to attend.
All the information is on the link below and if you go to the bottom of that article there is a link to PDF file that you can download and print.
Here is the link to the virtual event.
NET Patient Day 2019, Photos & Slides.
Photos from the NET Patient day 2019 have been uploaded to Flickr
The Slide presentations from the NET Patient Day can be viewed here;
Rachel Crowley, Gordana Kozlovacki, Kim Winter, Caroline Miller, Deirdre Burke and Donal O’Shea
NET Patient Day 2019
November 9th 2019 (Saturday) is now confirmed for this years NET Patient Day. The event will be held in The Maldron Hotel in Tallaght where we held our 2016 event.
The format will be the same as in previous years.
We will have a social gathering on Friday evening. The event will start on Saturday morning with expert talks and an open-forum Q&A session to be followed by a carvery lunch. As always, the event is completely free. We just ask that you let us know you are coming by emailing [email protected].
We have arranged a special rate in the hotel at €89 for a single B&B or €99 for a double/twin B&B. 20 rooms have been reserved on a first-come first-served basis. The hotel can be contacted on 01-4685400. Mention NET Patient Network when booking to get this rate.
More details will follow later in the year on the exact format, the theme of the event and who the speakers will be. We expect a good attendance and that the event will be very useful to both newly diagnosed and longer-term patients living with the disease.
Please join our Newsletter to stay up to date.
Saturday November 12th 2016
Maldron Hotel, Tallaght, Dublin
The 2016 Annual NET Patient Day was another success with a very large attendance by NET patients, many accompanied by their family and friends, who traveled from all around the country and even from abroad to participate. Again, as always, there was a mixture of both newly diagnosed patients and long-term patients. The day was a huge success and continues to see our Annual NET Patient Day grow year on year.

As a small group of patients with a rare disease, we benefit greatly from the dedication and commitment of our health carers. This year we held the event in the Maldron Hotel in Tallaght. This was a great venue and was able to cope with the very large crowd that attended and provided a very nice lunch following the event.
Our thanks go to the medical specialists from around Ireland who attended the event and especially to Prof Per Hellman from Uppsala University Hospital in Sweden who travelled especially to attend our event.
Here are some photos from the day (85 photos in all):
These photos can also be viewed on Flickr (click here)
Here are the opening talks and presentations:
Our own Tommie Gorman gave a very interesting talk on how the system is working from a patient’s perspective:
We had an excellent presentation on Nutrition and NETs by Ms Deirdre Burke, Senior Dietitian from St Vincents University Hospital:
We then had a very interactive Q&A session between the panel and the audience. We have broken down this into individual questions below:
We finished with some very positive comments by patients and a wrap-up of the event:
All videos can also be viewed on our YouTube channel (click here).
Many thanks to our sponsors Novartis, Ipsen and Pfizer who made this event possible
See the previous Annual NET Patient Days: