Donate To The NET Patient Network?

The NET Patient Network is now a Charity, NET Patient Network Ireland, Company Limited By Guarantee (CLG) company number, 627432, Registered Charity Number (RCN): 20206523 | CHY Number: CHY23009.

If you would like to donate to the NET Patient Network, we have two options.
Our Donate link for PayPal for small amounts and our bank details, for large amounts, (or small, if you would prefer to send direct to our Bank Account,

The NET Patient Network committee is 100% voluntary, committee members take no remuneration or expenses.
Patient Donations ARE NOT used to fund the annual NET Patient Day.

If you donate, we would like you to please email us [email protected] and tell us about your donation, as any donation deserves recognition.

Thank You.

Bank Details:

NET Patient Network Ireland, Company Limited By Guarantee

Please email [email protected]

For small amounts, or any amount, please use the Donate button below.

Thank You