This years National NET Patient Day 2013 has been confirmed for Saturday Nov 9th in the Springhill Court in Kilkenny (click here for more info)
November 10th 2012 – Trinity College Dublin
We had a fantastic day on Saturday, November 10th 2012 in the Stanley Quek Theatre in Trinity College, Dublin.
Many NETs patients travelled from all around the country to attend and contributed hugely to make the day successful and informative for all concerned.
The details for NET Patient Day 2013 will be announced on this website later in the year
Our thanks go to the medical specialists from Ireland and Sweden who made themselves available for a very honest and frank question and answer session:
- Dr Susan O’Reilly, Director of National Cancer Care Program
- Prof Donal O’Shea and Mr Justin Geoghegan from St Vincent’s University Hospital
- Dr Dermot O’Toole from St James’s Hospital
- Dr Derek Power from Mercy Hospital, Cork
- Dr Dan Granberg and Dr Barbro Eriksson, University Hospital, Uppsala, Sweden
Of course, without Tommie Gorman the day would not have happened at all!
Thanks to Tommie for organising the event and giving NETs patients the opportunity to create a patient support group and active community so that we can help and support each other.
We formed a committee on the day to formally establish our support group and to begin the process of determining how best to provide supports to each other.
In the weeks ahead we will develop a professional website which will provide a central repository of NETs information with specific emphasis on Irish NET patients.
We plan to establish an online forum for interaction and discussions and in time we hope to be able to put NET patients in touch with other patients in their local areas.