Timetable NET Patient Day 2013

This is a FREE EVENT and ALL are welcome

NET Patient Day 2013

The timetable for the National NET Patient Day on Saturday November 9th in the Springhill Court Hotel, Kilkenny:

9.00am Tea/Coffee and Registration

10.00am Welcome address

10.15am Bill Claxton, Founder of Singapore NET Patient Group

10.45am Per Hellman, NET’s Surgeon, Uppsala, Sweden

11.15am Q&A Session with presenters and HSE

12.00 Lunch Served in Restaurant

13.15 Prof. Dermot O’Toole, National Lead for Irish-NET

13.45 Q&A Panel Session with Irish NET Clinicians

15.15 Tea/Coffee to be served with session closure

15.30 Patient and family only session

16.00 Wrap up and finish

We look forward to seeing everyone in Kilkenny!

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